What do we do
Offer technical support servicesto public administrations, companies and social entities, to make theirsocial plans and projects. Contributesolutions for decision making.
We connect plans and projects with the needs of the territories

Planes y proyectos sociales
Elaboración y evaluación
Dpto. Investigación social
Estudios, encuestas, diagnósticos sociales
Guías y Manuales
Elaboración de guías, manuales, protocolos...
Composición gráfica
Dípticos, carteles, publicaciones, campañas sociales, agendas...
Planes de Igualdad
Planes de Infancia y Adolescencia (Ciudades Amigas de la Infancia UNICEF)
Planes de Inclusión Social
Planes para personas mayores
Encuestas domiciliarias
Estudios cuantitativos
Estudios cualitativos
Diagnósticos sociales
Informes técnicos
Informes de impacto
Informes evaluativos
Cuentos Infantiles
Manuales profesionales
Protocolos de coordinación frente a las violencias de género
Maquetamos, componemos gráficamente
Si quieres un diseño propio y específico disponemos de ilustradoras/es y equipos de diseño para ello.

Approaches and methodologies
A methodology is a set of procedures used to achieve a goal
An approach is the way of valuing or considering a thing.

A methodology
Adapted to each project.
Discourse analysis based on the theoretical approach of action/situation models.
Participatory conversational techniques.
Documentary analysis.
Statistic analysis.
Online and assisted surveys and consultations

An Equality and Intersectional Approach
Society is complex, due to this the same social situations do not affect people equally.
We use sex/gender and intersectional analysis to better understand complex and changing phenomena that allow us to see, understand and analyze inequality gaps to facilitate decision-making (act against them)
A gender-sensitive approach in projects contributes to higher quality and validity.

An ecosocial approach
Taking care of the natural environment requires a comprehensive and learn to understand and carry out that care, too.
Our approach integrates the social with the environmental.
It places life in the center, people, animals, plants... creating a place of reflection to forge links of protection and social cohesion with the territory and the community.